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Working with landowners and occupiers

Green GEN Cymru is committed to building strong working relationships with landowners and occupiers as we develop our proposals for Rhiwlas GEN.

We will work with you as we develop our plans and we encourage you to contact us if you have any questions.

We need to know who has a legal interest in the land in and around the proposed route for Rhiwlas GEN. Our appointed land agents, WSP, will be in touch with individual landowners, to ensure we have accurate and up to date records.

Access for surveys

As part of our work, we need to carry out surveys to help inform both the scheme’s design and the Environmental Impact Assessment.

We’ll survey a wide area to ensure we understand the local environment, how it might be affected by our work and any mitigation required. These surveys include geology, ecology, and land use. If we ask to conduct surveys on your land, it does not necessarily mean that the land will form part of the route, or have infrastructure placed on it. The results of the surveys will help inform decisions on the routeing and siting of the Rhiwlas GEN project.

The findings of these surveys will help us develop a detailed alignment for the overhead line route, including locations for wooden poles, access routes and working areas, and will be included in our Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). We will hold a further public consultation on the proposed route alignment in late 2024/early in 2025.

We will work closely with landowners and occupiers to agree access so that surveys are carried out with as little inconvenience as possible.

Environmental & engineering surveys

Landowner payments schedule

If you are a landowner and would like further information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via:
Phone – 0161 200 5081
Post – FREEPOST TC CONSULTATION (no further address or stamp required)