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To learn more about Banc Du Energy Park, please visit the project website:

To learn more about Rhiwlas Energy Park, please visit the project website:

To learn more about Llyn Lort Energy Park, please visit the project website:

To learn more about the Vyrnwy-Frankton connection project, please visit the project website:

Our first round of non-statutory consultation, which ran between 15 November 2023 and 10 January 2024, is now closed

Please check back for details of the next phase of non-statutory consultation, which is likely to take place in late 2024/early 2025.

As part of our next round of consultation we will publish a report summarising how the feedback we received from local communities has influenced our proposals. During the next round of consultation people will also be able to give us their views on a more detailed route alignment, including locations for the wooden poles, access routes and working areas.

If you want any additional information or have any questions you can still contact the project team via the following means:

0800 699 0081

FREEPOST TC CONSULTATION (no further address or stamp required)